Reclaim the Name

Reclaim the Name is a campaign to unit Muslim Women and empower us to define who we are in our own terms.

Reclaim the Name is a campaign to unite Muslim Women and empower us to define who we are in our own terms.

Here are 5 things you should know about the #ReclaimTheName campaign:

#ReclaimTheName is about challenging stereotypes and changing perceptions

The aim of the campaign is to educate each other on the diversity in Muslim culture, and change perceptions about Muslim women, ultimately reducing islamophobia and improving relationships across the board.

The campaign is about women reclaiming how they are defined by the world

All women are unique and individual. The campaign is working to empower all women to have their own voice and make it heard.

It is a pro campaign

This campaign is not about what it is like to be Muslim or living as a minority, it is about Muslim women. Discrimination occurs in all cultures and societies, and even at home. We hope to provide a platform where Muslim women can express their stories and illustrate their journeys to enrich positive narratives that we can associate with women.

Creativity is protest

We not only want to redefine disempowering messages about Muslim women, we want to support creative ways of getting those messages across.

Community participation is key to success

Upload your work and use the hashtag #ReclaimTheName to participate in our campaign. We will be showing our favourite pieces and support messages on our social media each month.

Keep up to date with the campaign on our social media and website